La Perle is expecting some dramatic developments over the next few years. Community Leagues play a vital role in connecting the residents of our neighborhood and providing information and opportunities for engagement with the City of Edmonton and other Civic Project Teams.
Community Leagues are run by Volunteers who live in the Community. Our Board of Directors is made up of people who dedicate their free time to the League and our programs because we live here and we want what's best for our families and neighbors.
As good as our intentions are, we can't do it alone.
We're looking for individual(s) who want to step into a structured role, working in a Volunteer (unpaid) capacity to support the La Perle Community League in Civics support. This person should be organized, thorough, professional and an effective communicator. Ideally (though not required) this individual, or individuals, will be Community League Members in good standing. Police background check will be required.
Civics Committee Lead/Team Member
- Coordinates submissions and inquiries to local, provincial and federal governments and other agencies
- Maintains contact with local politicians, school boards, and others with a high degree of professionalism as ambassador of the League
- Establishes ad hoc committees to address specific neighbourhood concerns like Development Permits, LRT Construction, Surplus School Zone, Neighborhood Renewal and other projects as they arise
- Monitors land use, transportation, safety issues and other civic concerns, ensuring Community members are kept informed
- Attend, and Report on Civic matters at Community League monthly meetings and Annual General Meeting
If you want to see more engagement with Civic projects, consider taking on this critical role with the Community League. Ask yourself, 'if not me, then who?'